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Noel G. DaCosta

Male | Composers


Noel DaCosta (1929 - 2002) spent his early school years in the West Indies and New York City. He received a B.A. in Music (1952) from Queens College, New York City, and an M.A. in theory and composition (1956) from Columbia University, He received a Seidl Fellowship in composition and a Fulbright Fellowship to study with Luigi Dallapiccola in Italy. Many of DaCosta's works reflect his involvement with African, West Indian, and Afro-American folk traditions. Among his works are: "Two Pieces for Unaccompanied Cello," "Blue Mix," "Silver Blue," "Three Short Pieces for Alto Flute," "The Singing Tortoise," and "Two Songs for Julie-Ju." DaCosta is an accomplished violinist.

Source: Perkins Holly, Ellistine. Biographies of Black Composers and Songwriters; A Supplementary Textbook. Iowa:Wm. C. Brown Publishers, 1990.

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