Charles Ingram (b. 1951) a native of Gulfport, Mississippi holds degrees in composition from the University of Southern Mississippi where he studied with William Presser and Luigi Zaninelli, and in Choral Music from the University of Southern California where he studied with Charles Hirt, James Vail and Thomas Sommerville. After retiring in 2008 as Professor of Music at Los Angeles Southwest College, he moved to Covington, Georgia where he devotes his full time to composition. Most of his recent compositions have been commissions for songs, clarinet with piano, solo brass instruments with piano and various combinations of brass instruments. His most recent commission was for the Blenheim Trio (Horn, Trombone and Tuba) and was premiered at Wright State University in Dayton Ohio. His recent choral setting of Go, Lovely Rose for SSAA/Piano and Horn, and his setting of the African-American spiritual, I Wanna Be Ready were written for and premiered by the Miami University of Ohio Choraliers under the direction of Dr. William Bausano. His setting of When David Heard was premiered by the Southeast Missouri State University Choir under the direction of Dr. Peter J. Durow.