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Harry T. Burleigh

Male | Composers



b. 1866-1949

Arguably, the first prominent Black composer in America is Harry T. Burleigh. He has a distinguished catalog of songs which were quite popular with singers in the earlier part of this century (especially Christine Miller, George Hamlin, John McCormack, and Roland Hayes). In the offing are exquisite individual songs like ³Little Mother of Mine,² ³Jean,² and ³The Grey Wolf.² His songwriting is balanced and tasteful, and his songs are models of sincerity and sensitivity to text. Burleigh\\'s important song cycles include Saracen Songs and Five Songs of Laurence Hope, both of which are now available in print through Classic Vocal Reprints/E. C. Schirmer. Of particular importance are his settings of J. Rosamond Johnson¹s poetry in the cycle Passionale. This work is the only song cycle with which this author is acquainted that is dedicated exclusively to the poetry of this important African-American figure.

Passionale, for high voice and piano, consists of four songs. The cycle was published by G. Ricordi in 1917. The score can be borrowed from the New York City Public Library. The poetry is written from a masculine perspective, in adoration of feminine attributes, but the songs could conceivably be performed by a soprano or lyric mezzo-soprano. They are characterized by lyrical melodies in the voice undergirded by mostly homophonic piano accompaniment. The tessitura of the songs is middle to high. The difficulty level for both singer and pianist is medium. The dynamic range required varies with each song. Some soft singing in a high tessitura is requested. It is harmonically lush, with chromaticism layered on a firmly diatonic structure. This is a fine period cycle.


The Glory of the Day was in Her Face

Her Eyes, Twin Pool

Your Lips Are Wine

Her Eyes, So Deep

Harry T. Burleigh belongs to a group of Black composers in the nationalistic school of composition. Also included were such men as Will Marion Cook, J. Rosamund Johnson, and Nathaniel Dett, who were born before 1900, used Black folk music as a source of inspiration, and composed in concert, show, and entertainment music. Most of these composers were well trained and capable of writing in the European style.

For lack of money, Burleigh's formal music study did not begin until he was twenty-six. He went to New York, obtained a scholarship to the National Conservatory of Music, and began his study with Antonin Dvorak. his coposing began about 1899, which included ballads, art songs, instrumental pieces, and arrangements of spirituals for solo voice and piano. Theretofore, spiritual singing had been solely a choral art. Inclusion of the spiritual for singing on the concert stage was a revolutionary concept when Burleigh first arranged "Deep River." Since his pioneering efforts and owing a great debt of gratitude to Burleigh, Black concert singers have routinely programmed spirituals.

Burleigh's output included about 300 works, among them being Saracen Songs, Five Songs of Laurence Hope, Passionale, "Jean," "Little Mother of Mine," "The Grey Wolf," and his popular spiritual arrangements for solo voice. Burleigh was also a baritone soloist of great renown.

Source: Perkins Holly, Ellistine. Biographies of Black Composers and Songwriters; A Supplementary Textbook. Iowa:Wm. C. Brown Publishers, 1990.

Harry T. Burleigh: From the Spiritual to the Harlem Renaissance, Jean Snyder. University of Illinois Press

Recordings of Burleigh's Songs

Bibliography of Harry T. Burleigh


Prof. Dominique-René de Lerma

Recordings not identified:










CD: Cantus.  Cantus 1203 (c2002).    

CD: Oral Moses, bass-baritone; George Morrison Bailey, piano.  Albany TROY == (2001; Amen!; African-American composers of the 20th century).

     CD: William Brown, tenor; Ann Sears, piano.  Albany TROY == (1999; Fi-yer!; A century of African-American song).

CD: William Brown, tenor; Ann Sears, piano.  Albany (Fiyer!)

      CD: Derek Lee Ragin, countertenor; New World Ensemble Chamber Choir.  Channel Classics CCS

2991 (1991).

--music for violin & piano

CD: Schiff; Beranger; Carmel.  Naxos 8.559061.



AfroAmerican folk song.  New York: Frederick Unger, 1914, ed. by Edward Kriebel.  1. Many thousand go; 2. Don wid driber’s drivin’; 3. Many thousand gone; 4. Oh, ro me Julie; 5. I’m gwine to Albany; 6. Acadian boatmn’s song; 7. Nobody knows knows de trouble I’ve seen; 8. You may bury in in de eas’; 9. Father Abraham; 10. Dig my grave; 11. I look o’er yander; 12. O graveyard; 13. Po’piti Lolotte; 14. Bive’ a man speak like this man; 15. Jesus heal’ de sick; 16. Upon de rock.

Album of Negro spirituals, for high voice & piano. Melville: Belwin Mills, 1969, 1917.  48p.  (#1432).  1. By an' by; 2. Couldn't hear nobody pray; 3. De blin' man; 4. Gospel train; 5. Deep river; 6. Ev'ry time I feel de spirit; 7. Nobody knows de trouble; 8. Sometimes I feel like a motherless child; 9. Stan' still Jordan; 10. Wade in de water; 11. Weepin' Mary; 13. Were you there?

----- for low voice & piano.  Melville: Belwin Mills, 1969, 1917.  48p.  (#1433).

Negro folk songs, for medium voice & piano.  London: Schott, 1930.  13p.  (#32650).  1. Didn't my Lord deliver Daniel?; 2. Who's been here?; 3. Hear de lam's a-cryin'.; 4. Goin' to ride up in de chariot.; 5. Dere's a man goin' 'round taking names.  Library: Library of Congress.

Negro folk songs.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1921-1924.  4 vols.  Contains 43 songs.

Negro minstrel melodies, for medium voice & piano, preface by  W. J. Henderson.  New York: G. Schirmer, 1900. (Schirmer's household music books, 22006).  vi, 52p.  1. Angel Gabriel (by James E. Stewart); 2. Angels, meet me at the crossroads (by Will S. Hayes); 3. Balm of Gilead (by H. T. Bryant); 4. Come where my love lies dreaming (by Stephen C. Foster); 5. Darling Nelly Gray (by B. R. Hanby); 6. Dearest Mae (by L.V. H. Crosby); 7. De camptown races (by Stephen C. Foster); 8. Jim along Josey; 9. Kingdom coming (by Henry C. Work); 10. Massa's in de col', col' ground (by Stephen C. Foster); 11. Nellie was a lady (by Stephen C. Foster); 12. Nelly Bly (by Stephen C. Foster); 13. Oh dem golden slippers (by James Bland==); 14. Oh Susanna (by Stephen C. Foster);15. Old Black Joe (by Stephen C. Foster).; 16. The old cabin home; 17. Old folks at home (by Stephen C. Foster).; 18. Shine on (by Luke Schoolcraft); 19. Tom-big-bee river (by S. S. Steele; 20. Wake Nicodemus (by Henry C. Work).  Library: Fisk, Library of Congress.

Negro spirituals.  New York: AMS Press, 1975, 1959.  2 vols. in 1 (288p.)  Library: Schomburg.

2 Negro spirituals, for SATB.  New York: G. Schirmer, 1914.  7p.  (G. Schirmer's octavo choruses for mixed voices).  1. Deep river; 2. Dig my grave.  Library: Library of Congress, Yale. 

----- for SSA, arr. by Carl Deis.  New York: G. Schirmer, 1952.  Library: Library of Congress.

----- for TTBB, arr. by Carl Deis.  New York: G. Schirmer, 1951.  (G. Schirmer's secular chorus music)  Library: Library of Congress.

3 Negro spirituals, for SATB.  New York: G. Schirmer, 1916.  3 vols..  (G. Schirmer's secular choruses, 8503-05; #26317-19).  1. Father Abraham; 2. So sad; 3. Didn't my Lord deliver Daniel?.  Library: Library of Congress.

Old songs hymnal: words and melodies from the state of Georgia, for SATB, collected by Dorothy G. Bolton, arr. by Harry T. Burleigh.  New York: Century Co., 1929.  x, 208p.  Library: Fisk, Library of Congress (29-22095), Schomburg.

Plantation melodies, old and new, for medium voice & piano, composed or transcribed by Harry T. Burleigh (1901).  New York: G. Schirmer, 1901 (#15445).  18p.  Text: poets include R. E. Phillips.   1. I doan’ want fu’t’ stay hyeah no longer [based on melody of Danville Chariot]; 2. Ma Laud’s a-writin’ down time [based on, he sees all you do an’ hyeas all you say; 3. When de deblle comes ‘round [based on You shall have er new hidin’ place dat day]; 4. De black-bird an’ de ol’ crow [based on we will go er-pickin’ up cohn]; 5. My Merlindy Brown [text: James Edwin Campbell]; 6. A Negro serenade; 7. Lullaby; 8. An ante-bellum sermon [text: Paul Laurence Dunbar, based on Joshua fit de battl’ ob Jericho].

6 Plantation melodies, for violin & piano (1901).  Library: Library of Congress, Schomburg, Spingarn, Yale.

Plantation songs, for medium voice & piano.  New York: William Maxwell, 1905.  6, 5p.  (#882-7b).  Library: Library of Congress, Schomburg.

----- 1. I'll be dar to meet yo' (text: Beverly Garrison).

----- 2. Keep a good grip on de hoe (text: Howard Weeden).  Library: Spingarn.

The spirituals of Harry T. Burleigh, for high voice & piano. Melville, NY: Belwin-Mills, 1984.


Individual titles:

A birthday song (1898).  New York: G. Schirmer. Text: Christina Rossetti.

A corn song, for high voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1920.  11p.  (#19).  Text: Paul Laurence Dunbar.  Library: Schomburg, Spingarn.

---- for medium voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1920.  11p.  (#20).  Library: Schomburg.

A fatuous tragedy, for TTBB.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1928. (#714)  .  (G. Ricordi's collection of part songs and choruses for mixed voices).  Text: Homer Brewer [Brower?==].  Library: Library of Congress.

A hymn for Christmas morning; blessed morn, for SATB (1899).  Text: Christopher Wadsworth.  Facsimile in LaBrew, International dictionary of musicians of color ==, p300.

A love song, for medium voice & piano.  Text: John E. Bruce.  Library: Schomburg (manuscript).

A New Year’s greeting

A song of rest, for high voice & piano.  Library: Yale (manuscript, 3p., with initials "F.B.G." and "H.T.B.").

Achievement, for low voice & piano.  New York: William Maxwell, 1905.  3p.  (#766)  Text: Francis B. Paine.  Library: Spingarn.

Adoration, for medium voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1921.  5p.  (#NY 115).  Text: Dora Lawrence Houston.  Duration: 2:24. 

CD: Regina McConnell, soprano; Michael Cordovana, piano.  Centaur 2252 (1995, Art songs of Harry T. Burleigh).

---- for low voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1921.  5p.  (#NY 116).

Ain't goin' to study war no mo', for high voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1922.  6p.  (#NY 268).  Library: Spingarn, Yale (manuscript, 3p.).

----- Miami: Belwin Mills, 1984 (EL 3151; The spirituals of Harry T. Burleigh), p68-73.

----- for TTBB & piano, arr. by Ruggero Vené.  New York: Ricordi, 1955.  9p.  (#FCC 1737)  Library: Library of Congress.

And as the gulls soar, for low voice & piano (1905).  New York: William Maxwell, 1905.  3p.  (#786)  Text: Francis Bacon Paine.  Duration: 0:50.

---- for high voice & piano.  Library: Library of Congress.

CD: Regina McConnell, soprano; Michael Cordovana, piano   Centaur 2252 (1995, Art songs of Harry T. Burleigh).

Apart, for low voice & piano.  New York: William Maxwell, 1905.  3p.  (#765).  Text: Francis Bacon Paine.  Library: Library of Congress, Spingarn.

---- for high voice & piano.  Library: Library of Congress.

Are you smiling?, for medium voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1929.  Text: Hector McCarthy.

Balm in Gilead, for low voice & piano (1919).  New York: Franco Colombo, 1919 (#116579).. 5p.  Text: Jeremiah 8:22.  Duration: 2:11.  Library: Library of Congress, Spingarn.

----- Melville: Belwin-Mills, 1984 (#116579; The spirituals of Harry T. Burleigh).  5p. 

----- Miami: Belwin Mills, 1984 (EL 3151; The spirituals of Harry T. Burleigh), p111-115.

CD: Paul Robeson, bass; Lawrence Brown, piano (1942).  Columbia Masterworks  Sony Classical MHK 63223 (1997, Songs of free men).

LP: Paul Robeson, bass; Alan Booth, piano.  Vanguard VSD-2035 (196?).

LP: Paul Robeson, bass; Lawrence Brown, piano.  Columbia ML-54106 (1958).

LP: Paul Robeson, bass; Lawrence Brown, piano.  Columbia MM 610 (1958).

LP: Paul Robeson, bass; Lawrence Brown, piano.  Odyssey 32-16-02688 (1968, 1945).

----- for high voice & piano.  New York: Franco Colombo, 1919.  5p.  (#116578).

AC: Arthur Jones, tenor; Ingrid Hansen Thomson, piano (1993/03/15).  Orbis Books (Wade in the water – Spirituals). 

----- for SAB, arr. by Ruggero Vené, for SAB.  New York: Franco Colombo.  9p.  (#FCC 1729).  Library: Library of Congress.

----- for SATB & piano, arr. by Ruggero Vené.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1954, 1914.  7p.  (G. Ricordi & Co's 1654; The Ruggero Vené choral series of Harry T. Burleigh spirituals, #FCC 1654).  Library: Library of Congress.

----- for SSA, arr. by Ruggero Vené, for SSA.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1919.  5p.  (G. Ricordi & Co's collection of part songs and choruses for male, female and mixed voices, 114199).

----- New York: Franco Colombo.  (#FCC 1682).

----- for TTBB, arr. by Ruggero Vené, for TTBB.  New York: Ricordi, 1955.  8p.  (#FCC 1724) Library: Library of Congress.

Before meeting, for high voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, ca. 1921 (#NY 64).  7p.  Text: Arthur Symons.  Library: Spingarn.

----- medium voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, c1921 (#NY 63).

Behold that star; a Christmas spiritual, for medium voice & piano (1928).  New York: G. Ricordi, 1944.  7p.  Words and melody from the collection of Thomas W. Talley, Nashville TN.

----- Miami: Belwin Mills, 1984 (EL 3151; The spirituals of Harry T. Burleigh), p123-127.

CD: Marian Anderson, contralto; Franz Rupp, piano.  Musical Heritage Society 514564K (1997).

LP: Marian Anderson, contralto; Franz Rupp, piano.  RCA LM/LSC-2592 (1962).

LP: Marian Anderson, contralto; Franz Rupp, piano.  RCA LM/LSC 2592 (1962).

----- for SAB & piano or organ.  New York: Franco Colombo.  (#2167).

----- for SATB & piano or organ.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1928 (G. Ricordi & Co's collection of part songs and choruses for male, female and mixed voices, NY 785; Franco Colombo Inc. collection of part songs and choruses).  11p.

----- for SSA & piano or organ.  New York: Franco Colombo.  (#1298).

Bethlehem, for medium voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1929.  Text: E. Proctor Clarke.

----- for SATB.  New York: G. Ricordi.

By an' by, for high voice & piano (1917).  New York: G. Ricordi, 1917 (#116408).  5p. Duration: 2:16.  Library: Spingarn, Yale.

AC:  G. Carlton Hines, tenor; André Thomas, piano (1981/II/22, University of Ilinois-Urbana).

----- New York: G. Ricordi, 1927.

----- Miami: Belwin Mills, 1984 (EL 3151; The spirituals of Harry T. Burleigh), p103-105.

CD: Steven Cole, tenor; Joseph Smith, piano.  Premier PRCD-1041 (1995, From the southland).

----- for low voice & piano (1917).  New York: G. Ricordi, 1927.  5p.

----- Melville: Belwin-Mills, 1969, 1917 (Album of Negro spirituals)..  5p. (#116408).

78rpm: Paul Robeson, bass; Lawrence Brown, piano.  Columbia ML-54106 (1945).

78rpm: Paul Robeson, bass; Lawrence Brown, piano.  Columbia MM-610 (1945).

78rpm:  Paul Robeson, bass; Lawrence Brown, piano. (1925).

AC:  Blanche Foreman, mezzo-soprano; Charles Lloyd, piano (1982/VI/16).

CD: Marian Anderson, contralto; Franz Rupp, piano (1961/VIII/28).  RCA 09026-61960-2 (He’s got the whole world in his hands and 18 other spirituals).

CD: Paul Robeson, bass; Lawrence Brown, piano (1945).  Columbia Masterworks Sony Classical MHK 63223 (1997, Songs of free men).

LP:  Paul Robeson, bass; Lawrence Brown, piano.  Classics Record Library 30-5647 (1976).

LP:  Paul Robeson, bass; Lawrence Brown, piano.  Odyssey 32-160268 (1968, 1945).

LP:  Unidentified performers.  RCA LM-3292.

LP: Marian Anderson, contralto; Franz Rupp, piano (1961/VIII/28).  Victor LM/LSC-2592 (He’s got the whole world in his hands and 18 other spirituals).

----- for SAB, arr. by Ruggero Ven‚, for SAB.  New York: G. Ricordi.

----- for SATB, arr.by Ruggero Vené.  New York: Ricordi, 1955.  7p.  (#FCC 1736)

----- for SSA & piano, arr. by N. Clifford Page, for SSA & piano.   New York: Franco Colombo, 1927.  5p.  (#FCC 1658).

----- for TTBB.  New York: G. Ricordi.

By the pool at the third Rosses, for high voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1916.  6p.  (#116255).  Text: Arthur Symons.  Dedication: John McCormack.  Library: Spingarn

----- for SSA.  New York: G. Ricordi.

----- for TTBB, arr. by James Haupt.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1934 (G. Ricordi's      AC:  G. Carlton Hines, tenor; André Thomas, piano (1981).

----- for low voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1927.  5p.  Duration: 2:16.  Library: Library of Congress.

78rpm: Paul Robeson, bass; Lawrence Brown, piano.  Columbia ML-54106 in MM-610 (1945, 1925).

AC: Blanche Foreman, mezzo-soprano; Charles Lloyd, piano.  (1982).

LP: Paul Robeson, bass; Lawrence Brown, piano.  Classics Record Library 30-5647.

LP: Paul Robeson, bass; Lawrence Brown, piano.  Odyssey 32-160268 (1968).

LP: Paul Robeson, bass; Lawrence Brown, piano.  RCA LM-3292 (1976).

----- for SATB, arr.by Ruggero Vené.  New York: Ricordi, 1955.  7p.  (#FCC 1736).

----- for SAB, arr. by Ruggero Vené, for SAB.  New York: G. Ricordi.

----- for SSA & piano, arr. by N. Clifford Page, for SSA & piano.   New York: Franco Colombo, 1927.  5p.  (#FCC 1658).

----- for TTBB.  New York: G. Ricordi.

----- for SSA.  New York: G. Ricordi.

----- for TTBB, arr. by James Haupt.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1934.  9p.  (G. Ricordi's collection of part songs and choruses; #NY 943)  Library: Library of Congress

Carry me back to the pine wood, for medium voice & piano.  New York: William Maxwell, 1909.  3p.  Text: Anonymous.  Duration: 1:35.  Library: Schomburg.

CD: Regina McConnell, soprano; Michael Cordovan, piano.  Centaur 2252 (ca. 1996).

----- for low voice & piano.  New York: William Maxwell, 1909.  3p.  (#1164).  Library: Schomburg, Spingarn.

Child Jesus comes from heavenly light, for medium voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1912.  Text: Anonymous.

----- for SATB.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1912.

Christ be with me, for medium voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1929.  Text: from St. Patrick's breastplate.

----- for SATB.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1906.

----- New York: G. Ricordi, 1929 (Chuch music; #NY 833).  6p.

Christmas bells (1896).

Come with me, for high voice & piano.  New York: G.  Ricordi, 1921.  7p.  (#NY 62).  Text: L. Kelsey ClenDening after St. Matthew 2:28.  Library: Spingarn.

----- for medium voice & piano.  New York: William Maxwell, 1906.

----- for SATB.  New York: William Maxwell, 1906.

Couldn't hear nobody pray, for low voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1922.  6p.  (#NY 240).  Library: Yale.

----- for high voice & SATB.  New York: Franco Colombo, 1922.  7p.  (Franco Colombo series, FC 278).

----- for high voice & SAB, arr. by Ruggero Vené.  New York: Franco Colombo, 1922.  (#FCC 1985).

---- for low voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1922 (#NY 240).  6p. 

----- for high voice & SAB, arr. by Ruggero Vené.  New York: Franco Colombo (#FCC 1985).

----- for soprano & SSA, arr. by Ruggero Vené.  New York: Franco Colombo, 1922.  (#FCC 1978).

De blin' man stood on de road an' cried, for high voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1928.  6p.  (#NY 743; FC 1433).  Text: St. Mark 10:46-52.

----- for low voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1928.  6p.  (#NY 742).  Library: Library of Congress.

AC:  Blanche Foreman, mezzo-soprano; Charles Lloyd, piano. (1982).

----- for SAB & piano, arr. by Ruggero Vené.  New York: Franco Colombo.  (#FCC 2154).

----- for SATB with piano reduction, arr. by Ruggero Vené.  New York: Ricordi, 1956.  (#FCC 1783).  Library: Library of Congress.

----- for SSA & piano, arr. by Ruggero Vené.  New York: Franco Colombo, 1965.  9p.  (The Ruggero Vené choral series of Harry T. Burleigh Negro spirituals, #FCC 2153)

----- for SSSA.  New York: Ricordi, 1935.  9p.  (#NY1013).  Library: Library of Congress.

De creation and Scandalize my name, for TTBB.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1922.

Dar's a meetin' here tonight, for high voice & piano.  Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1926 (#M-L-3329).  5p.

De blin' man stood on de road an' cried, for high voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1928 (#NY 743; FC 1433).  6p.  Text: St. Mark 10:46-52.

----- Miami: Belwin Mills, 1984 (EL 3151; The spirituals of Harry T. Burleigh), p99-102.

----- for low voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1928 (#NY 742).  6p.

AC:  Blanche Foreman, mezzo-soprano; Charles Lloyd, piano (1982/ .

CD: Leontyne Price, soprano; orchestra & chorus; Leonard DePaur, conductor.  BMG 09026-68157-2 (1996).


----- for SAB & piano, arr. by Ruggero Vené.  New York: Franco Colombo (#FCC 2154).

----- for SATB with piano reduction, arr. by Ruggero Vené.  New York: Ricordi, 1956.  (#FCC 1783). 

CD: The Spirituals Project Choir.  The Spirituals Project (University of Denver) (ca. 2004).

----- for SSA & piano, arr. by Ruggero Vené.  New York: Franco Colombo, 1965 (The Ruggero Vené choral series of Harry T. Burleigh Negro spirituals, #FCC 2153).  9p.

----- for SSSA.  New York: Ricordi, 1935 (#NY1013).  9p.

De gospel train; Git on bo'd, for high voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1921.  6p.  (#NY 81)  Library: Library of Congress, Spingarn.

----- for high voice & piano.  Miami: Belwin Mills, 1984 (EL 3151; The spirituals of Harry T. Burleigh), p115-118.

----- for low voice & piano (1914).  New York: G. Ricordi, 1921 (#NY 80).

----- Melville: Belwin-Mills, 1969, 1917 (Album of Negro spirituals). 

78rpm: Marian Anderson, contralto; Franz Rupp, piano.  (1947).

CD: William Warfield, bass-baritone; John Arpin, piano.  Pro Arte CDD 3443 (1993, Spirituals). 

LP:  Inez Matthews, mezzo-soprano; Jonathan Brice, piano.  Period SLP-580 (195?). 

LP:  Inez Matthews, mezzo-soprano; Jonathan Brice, piano.  Period SPL-580 (1953). 

LP:  Marian Anderson, contralto; Franz Rupp, piano (1947/V).  RCA AVM-1-1735 (1976). 

      LP:  Marian Anderson, contralto; Franz Rupp, piano.  RCA AVM 1-1735 (1976). 

LP:  Thomas Carey, baritone; Hans-Peter Schmidt, organ.:  Da Camera Song SM-95028 (1970).

----- for SA or TB, arr. by MacCarthy, for SA or TB.  New York: G. Ricordi (#566).

----- for SAB, arr. by Ruggero Vené, for SAB.  New York: Franco Colombo (#FCC 2155).

----- for SATB & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1921 (#NY 659; FCC 659)

----- for SSA, arr. by Taylor, for SSA.  New York: G. Ricordi  (#169).

----- for TTBB & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi.  (#FCC 210)

----- for low voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi.  (#NY 80).

LP: Inez Matthews, mezzo-soprano; Jonathan Brice, piano.  Period SLP-580 (c1950).

LP: Marian Anderson, contralto; Franz Rupp, piano.  RCA AVM 1-1735 (1976,1947).

LP: Thomas Carey, baritone; == Schmidt, organ.  ==.

----- for SA or TB, arr. by MacCarthy, for SA or TB.  New York: G. Ricordi.  (#566).

----- for SAB, arr. by Ruggero Vené, for SAB.  New York: Franco Colombo.  (#FCC 2155).

----- for SATB & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1921.  (#NY 659; FCC 659).

----- for SSA, arr. by Taylor, for SSA.  New York: G. Ricordi.  (#169).

----- for TTBB & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi.  (#FCC 210).

Dear ol' NCC, for SATB.  n.p.?: North Carolina College, 1939.

Deep river, and Dig my grave, for SATTBB & piano.  New York: G. Schirmer, 1941.  8p.  (#5815)  Library: Schomburg.  See also: 2 Negro spirituals (under Collections, above).==

----- for SSA, arr. by Deis, for SSA.  New York: G. Schirmer.  (#10073).

Didn't it rain?, for high voice & piano.  Library: Library of Congress.

----- for low voice & piano.  Library: Library of Congress.

Didn't my Lord deliver Daniel?, for medium voice & piano.  New York: G. Schirmer.  (#147)  Library: Library of Congress.

----- for SAB, arr. by Ruggero Vené.  New York: Franco Colombo.  (#FCC 2152).

----- for SATB with piano reduction.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1928.  9p.  (G. Ricordi's collection of part songs and choruses for mixed voices; #NY 779)  Library: Library of Congress.

----- for SATB, arr. by Ruggero Vené.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1956.  (#FCC 1774)  Library: Library of Congress.

----- for SATB.  New York: G. Schirmer, 1916.  8p.  (G. S. 8vo choruses, 6505).

Don't be weary traveler, for high voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1928.  5p.  (#NY 746).  Library: Library of Congress.

----- for low voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1928.  5p.  (#NY 744).  Library: Spingarn.

----- for SATB & piano, arr. by Ruggero Vené.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1956.  (#FCC 1780)  Library: Library of Congress.

----- for SAB, arr. by Ruggero Vené.  New York: Franco Colombo.  (#FCC 1898).

----- for SSA, arr. by Ruggero Vené, for SSA.  New York: Franco Colombo.  (#FCC 1826).

Don't you dream of turning back; Folksong, for low voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1921 (#156).  5p.  Text: Jeremiah 22:10.  Library: Library of Congress, Spingarn.

----- for medium voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1919.  6p.  (#116600).  Library: Library of Congress, Spingarn.

----- for SATB, arr. by Ruggero Vené, for SATB.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1956 (#FCC 1781).  7p.

Don’t you weep when I’m gone, for medium voice & piano (1919).  New York: G. Ricordi, 1919.  6p.  (#116600)  Text: Jeremiah 22:10.  Library: Library of Congress, Spingarn.

----- Miami: Belwin Mills, 1984 (EL 3151; The spirituals of Harry T. Burleigh), p180-183.

CD: Oral Moses, bass-baritone; Ann Sears, piano. Northeastern NR 252 (Songs and spirituals of Harry T. Burleigh).

----- for SATB, arr. by Ruggero Vené.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1956.  7p.  (#FCC 1781)  Library: Library of Congress.

Down by the sea, for low voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1919.  6p.  (#116540)  Text: G.O'Connell.  Library: Schomburg.

----- for low voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1919.  6p.  (#116539)  Library: Schomburg, Spingarn.

The dream love, for high voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1923.  5p.  (#363-4).  Text: Alexander Groves.  Library: Library of Congress, Spingarn.

Dreams tell me truly, for high voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1917.  6p.  (#116424).  Text: Fred G. Bowles.  Library: Spingarn.

Dreamland; Cradle song, for high voice & piano.  New York: William Maxwell, 1905.  5p.  Text: Louise Alston Burleigh.  Library: Library of Congress.

Dry bones, for high voice & piano.  New York: Galaxy Music.  Text: Ezekiel 37.  Dedication: Paul Robeson.

----- for medium voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1930.  8p.    Library: Spingarn.

Elysium, for high voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1914.  6p.  (#116048)  Text: James Weldon Johnson. Library: Schomburg, Spingarn, Yale.

Ethiopia saluting the colors, for low voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1916.  10p.  (#116339)  Text: Walt Whitman.  Library: Spingarn.

Ethiopia's paean of exaltation, for medium voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1921.

----- for SATB.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1921.  15p.  (#NY 107; G. Ricordi's collection of part songs and choruses for mixed voices)  Text: Anna J. Cooper.  Library: Library of Congress.

Everytime I feel the spirit, for high voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1925.  7p.  (#462).  Library: Library of Congress, Schomburg, Spingarn, Yale.

78rpm: Marian Anderson, contralto; Franz Rupp [?], piano.  Victor 2032.

AC: Bruce A. Hubbard, baritone; Stephen Sulich, piano.

----- for high voice, SATB & orchestra, arr. by Leonard DePaur.

LP: Leontyne Price, soprano; orchestra; chorus; Leonard DePaur, conductor.  RCA LSC-2600 (1962).

----- for SATB & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1925.  (#NY 488, FCC 488; G. Ricordi's collection of part songs and choruses for mixed voices)  Library: Library of Congress, Schomburg.

----- for SAB, arr. by Ruggero Vené.  New York: Franco Colombo, 1964.  (#FCC 1963)  Library: Schomburg.

----- for SSA, arr. by Ruggero Vené.  New York: Franco Colombo.  (#FCC 1964)  Library: Schomburg.

Exile, for low voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1922.  5p.  (#320).  Text: Inez Marie Richardson.  Library: Spingarn.

Ezekiel saw de wheel, for SATB & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1928.  (#FCC 768).

----- for SSA & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1928.  (#FCC 699).

----- for TTBB & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1928.  (#FCC 700).

----- for SAB & piano, arr. by Ruggero Vené, for SAB & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1955.  9p. (#FCC 1783)  Library: Library of Congress.

Fair Talladega, for medium voice & piano.  Talladega: Talladega College.  Text: William Pickens.

Father Abraham, for SATB.  New York: G. Schirmer, 1916.

Father to thee, for medium voice & piano.  New York: William Maxwell, 1904.  Text: Frank J. Stanton.

A fatuous tragedy, for TTBB.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1928.  (#714).  Text: Homer Brewer [Brower?==].  (G. Ricordi's collection of part songs and choruses for mixed voices).  Library: Library of Congress.  May also exist for medium voice & piano.

Fragments, for high voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1919.  (#116596).  Text: Jessie Fauset.  Library: Spingarn.

----- for low voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1919.  3p.  (#116597).  Library: Schomburg, Spingarn.

From the Southland, for piano.  New York: William Maxwell, 1907.  30p.  1. Through moanin' pines; 2. The frolic; 3. In de col' moonlight; 4. Jubilee; 5. On bended knee; 6. A new hidin’ place.  Library: Spingarn

----- 4. A jubilee [reprinted in Etude, 1910]

VC: Geneva H. Southall, piano.  University of Minnesota (1974).

Il giovane guerrieroSee: The young warrior

Give me Jesus, for high voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1926.  Library: Library of Congress.

----- for low voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1926.  5p.  (#NY 594).  Library: Spingarn.

----- for SATB & piano, arr. by Ruggero Vené, for SATB & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1955.  7p.  (#1734).  Library: Library of Congress.

Go down in de lonesome valley, for SATB, arr. by Ruggero Vené.  New York: Franco Colombo, 1956.  7p.  (#FCC 1775).  Library: Library of Congress.

Go down, Moses, for high voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1920, 1917.  6p.  (#116427)  Text: Exodus 13.  Library: Library of Congress, Spingarn.

78rpm: Roland Hayes, tenor; Lawrence Brown, piano.  Victor 21002 (1922).

LP: Roland Hayes, tenor; Lawrence Brown, piano.  New World Records NW-247 (1976, 1922).

----- for low voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1920.  Duration: 2:42.  Library: Library of Congress.

78rpm: Marian Anderson, contralto; Kosti Vehanen, piano.  HMV DA-1560 (1937).

78rpm: Marian Anderson, contralto; Kosti Vehanen, piano.  Victor 1799 (1937).

78rpm: Paul Robeson, bass; Lawrence Brown, piano.  Columbia M 610/17467D in MM-610 (1945).

CD: Harry Burleigh, baritone; unidentified pianist.  Music and Arts == (1996; Dvoƙál discoveries).

LP: Marian Anderson, contralto; Franz Rupp, piano.  RCA AVM 1-1735 (1976, 1952).

LP: Paul Robeson, bass; Lawrence Brown, piano.  Columbia ML-54106 (1968, 1945).

LP: Paul Robeson, bass; Lawrence Brown, piano.  Odyssey 32-16-0268 (1968, 1945).

LP::Randolph Symonette, baritone; Leslie Harnley, piano.  Colosseum 1008.

----- for SATB, arr. by Wayne Howorth.  Melville: Belwin-Mills.  (#2218).

----- for SATB, arr. by Kemmer.  New York: Franco Colombo.  (#1004).

----- for SATB, arr. by Page.  New York: Franco Colombo.  (#FCC 1597).

----- for SAB, arr. by Ruggero Vené.  New York: Franco Colombo.  (#FCC 1986).

----- for SA or TB, arr. by Wayne Howorth.  Melville: Belwin-Mills.  (#2115).

----- for SA or TB, arr. by MacCarthy, for SA or TB.  New York: Franco Colombo.  (#562).

----- for SSA, arr. by Page, for SSA.  New York: Franco Colombo.  (#1659).

----- for TTBB, arr. by Brewer, for TTBB.  New York: Franco Colombo.  (#FCC 51).

Go, tell it on the mountain, for medium voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1927.  7p. (#NY 696)  Library: Library of Congress, Spingarn.

----- for SATB.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1927.  (#FCC 817).

----- for SSA, arr. by Ruggero Vené, for SSA.  New York: G. Ricordi.  (#1961).

----- for SAB, arr. by Ruggero Vené, for SAB.  New York: G. Ricordi.  (#FCC 2155).

The gray wolf, for high voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1915.  11p.  (#116222)  Text: Arthur Symons.  Library: Schomburg, Spingarn.

Hail to the king, for medium voice & piano.  New York: William Maxwell, 1906.  Text: E. H. Sears.

De ha'nt, for medium voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi.  (#155)  Text: J. W. Pryor.  Library: Library of Congress.

Hard trials, for medium voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1919.  7p.  (#116582).  Text: St. Matthew 8:20, 14:21.  .  Duration: 1:52.  Library: Spingarn

AC: Louise Parker, contralto; with piano.

LP: Leroy O. Dorsey, bass; Clyde Parker, piano.  KM 1702 1977.

LP: Marian Anderson, contralto; Franz Rupp, piano.  RCA LM/LSC-2592 (1962).

LP: Marian Anderson, contralto; Franz Rupp, piano.  Victor M-986 (1962).

----- for TTBB.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1919.

----- for SATB & piano, arr. by Ruggero Vené, for SATB & piano.  New York: Franco Colombo, 1956.  llp.  (#FCC 1787)  Library: Library of Congress.

----- for SSA, arr. by Taylor, for SSA.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1919.  (#FCC 108).

Have you been to Lons?, for high voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1920.  7p.  (#116490).  Text: Gordon Longstone.  Library: Schomburg, Spingarn.

----- for medium voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1920.  (#116265).

He met her in the meadow, for high voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1921.  5p.  (#220).  Library: Spingarn.

----- for SATB.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1921.  (#NY 234).

----- for SSA.  New York: G. Ricordi.

----- for TTBB.  New York: G. Ricordi.  (#NY 223).

He sent me to you, for high voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1915.  5p.  (#116132).  Text: Frederick H. Martens.  Library: Spingarn.

Hear de lambs a cryin', for medium voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1927.  7p.  (#NYC 641-5)  Library: Library of Congress.

----- for medium voice & SATB with piano reduction.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1927.  13p.  (#NY 652).  Text: St. John 21:15-17.  Library: Spingarn.

----- for SSAA, arr. by Ruggero Vené.  New York: Franco Colombo.  (#FCC 1987).

Hearts, for high voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1915.  5p.  (#116242).  Text: C. M. Wilmerding.  Library: Schomburg, Spingarn.

Heav'n, heav'n, for medium voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1921.  (#NY 79).  Library: Schomburg.

----- for low voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1921.  6p.  (#NY 78).  Library: Schomburg, Spingarn.  Duration: 2:37.

78rpm: Marian Anderson, contralto; Kosti Vehanen, piano.  HMV DB-2837  (1936).

78rpm: Marian Anderson, contralto; Kosti Vehanen, piano.  Royale 1765 (1936).

78rpm: Marian Anderson, contralto; Kosti Vehanen, piano.  Victor 8958B (1936).

LP: Inia te Wiata, bass; Maurice Till, piano.  Musical Heritage Society MHS-1515 (1972).

LP: Marian Anderson, contralto; Franz Rupp, piano.  RCA LM/LSC-2592 (1962).

LP: Marian Anderson, contralto; Kosti Vehanen, piano.  New World NW-247 (1976, 1936)

----- for SATB.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1921.  8p.  (#NY 122; G. Ricordi's part songs & choruses for mixed voices)  Library: Library of Congress, Schomburg.

----- for TTBB & piano. New York: G. Ricordi.  (#FCC 224)  Library: Schomburg.

----- for SAB, arr. by Ruggero Vené, for SAB.  New York: G. Ricordi.  (#NY 79; FCC 2156)  Library: Schomburg.

----- for SA or TB, arr. by MacCarthy, for SA or TB.  New York: G. Ricordi.  (#567)  Library: Schomburg.

----- for SSA, arr. by Taylor, for SSA.  New York: Franco Colombo.  (#FCC 170).

Heigh ho!, for low voice & piano.  New York: William Maxwell, 1904.  7p.  (#603).  Text: James E. Campbell.  Library: Library of Congress,  Spingarn.

----- for high voice & piano.  Library: Library of Congress.

He's jus' de same today, for high voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1919.  7p.  (#116581).  Text: Exodus 14:22; I Samuel 17:49.  Library: Library of Congress, Spingarn.

----- for medium voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1914.  (#116580).  Library: Library of Congress

----- for SATB & piano, arr. by Ruggero Vené.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1956. Library: Library of Congress.

His word is love, for high voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1914.  7p.  (#116075).  Text: Fred G. Bowles.  Library: Spingarn.

Ho, ro, my nut brown maiden; old highland melody, for TTB (1930).  New York: G. Ricordi, 1930.  (#NY 847)  Library: Library of Congress.

Hold on, keep your hand on the plow, for medium voice & SATB with piano reduction.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1938.  13p.  (#1113)  Library: Spingarn.

The hour glass, for medium voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1914.  5p. (#114136).  Text: Alexander Groves.  "With incidental use of a theme from the liturgy of the Dresden church."  Library: Schomburg, Spingarn.

I couldn't hear nobody pray, for SATB.  New York: Church Hymnal Corporation, 1981 (Lift every voice and sing, ed. by Irene Jackson Brown, n54).

I don't feel no ways tired, for medium voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1917.  6p.  (#116410)  Text: Hebrews 11:14, 16.  Library: Library of Congress, Spingarn.

78rpm: Marian Anderson, contralto; Kosti Vehanen, piano.  Victor 1982.

----- for SATB, arr. by Ruggero Vené.  New York: Franco Colombo.  (#FCC 1805).

----- for SAB, arr. by Ruggero Vené.  New York: Franco Colombo.  (#FCC 2157).

----- for SSAA, arr. by Page, for SSA.  New York: Franco Colombo.  (#FCC 1739).

I got a home in-a dat rock, for low voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1926.  7p.  (#NY 543).  Library: Library of Congress, Spingarn.

----- for high voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1926.  (#NY 543 [sic])  Library: Library of Congress.

----- for SAB, arr. by Ruggero Vené.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1956.  (#FCC 2150).

----- for SSA, arr. by Ruggero Vené, for SSA.  New York: Franco Colombo.  (#FCC 2149).

I hope my mother will be there, for SATB.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1924.  3p.  Library: Library of Congress.

I know de Lord's laid his hands on me, for high voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1924.  7p.  (#NY 495)  Library: Library of Congress, Spingarn.

----- for low voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi.

----- for SATB.  New York: Franco Colombo.  (#1801).

----- for SATB & piano, arr. by Ruggero Vené.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1956.  7p.  Library: Library of Congress.

----- for SAB, arr. by Ruggero Vené.  New York: Franco Colombo.  (#FCC 2148).

----- for SSA, arr. by Ruggero Vené, for SSA.  New York: Franco Colombo.  9p.  (#FCC 2147)  Library: Library of Congress.

I love my Jean, for high voice & piano.  New York: William Maxwell, 1904.  4p.  (#587-3)  Text: I lo'e my Jean by Robert Burns.  Library: Library of Congress.  See also: Jean.

----- for medium voice & piano.  Library: Library of Congress.

----- for low voice & piano.  Library: Library of Congress.

I remember all, for medium voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1919.  6p.  (#116601)  Text: Arthur Symons.

-----for low voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1919.  6p.  Library: Spingarn.

I stood on de ribber ob Jerdon, for high voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1918.  Library: Library of Congress.

----- for high voice & orchestra.

LP: Ellabelle Davis, soprano; orchestra; Victor Olof, conductor.  London LPS-182 (1950).

LP: Ellabelle Davis, soprano; orchestra; Victor Olof, conductor.  Decca LM-4504 (1950).

-----for low voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1918.  6p.  (#116506)  Library: Library of Congress, Spingarn.

78rpm: HMV B-3381 (Paul Robeson, bass; Lawrence Brown, piano)

LP: Eugene Holmes, baritone; Joseph Rezits, piano.  Avant Garde AV-115.

LP: Marian Anderson, contralto; Franz Rupp, piano.  RCA LM/LSC-2592 (1962). 

----- for SATB & piano, arr. by Ruggero Vené.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1955.  7p.  (#FCC 1726)  Library: Library of Congress.

      for SAB, arr. by Ruggero Vené.  New York: Franco Colombo.  (#FCC 2146)

      for SSA, arr. by Ruggero Vené.  New York: Franco Colombo.  (#FCC 2145)

I want to be ready, for medium voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1917.  5p.  (#116409)  Text: Revelations 21:16; Acts 2.  Library: Library of Congress, Schomburg, Spingarn.  Duration: 1:25.

78rpm: Paul Robeson, bass; Lawrence Brown, piano.  Victor 22225 (1929).

LP: Paul Robeson, bass; Lawrence Brown, piano.  RCA LM-3292 (1972, 1929).

----- for SATB & piano, arr. by Ruggero Vené.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1956.  (#FCC 1785).  Library: Library of Congress, Schomburg.

----- for SATB, arr. by Stone.  New York: Belwin-Mills.  (#2069).  Library: Schomburg.

----- for SAB, arr. by Ruggero Vené, for SAB.  New York: Franco Colombo.  (#2158).  Library: Schomburg.

----- for SSA, arr. by Ruggero Vené.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1917.  (#FCC 1649).  Library: Schomburg.

----- for SSA, arr. by Page.  New York: Franco Colombo.  Library: Schomburg.

I want to die while you love me, for high voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1919.  (#116598).  Text: Georgia Douglas Johnson.

----- for low voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1919.  6p.  (#116599).  Library: Schomburg.

If life be a dream, for high voice & piano.  New York: William Maxwell, 1904.  Text: Frank L. Stanton.  Library: Library of Congress.

----- for low voice & piano.  New York: William Maxwell, 1904.  6p.  (#673).  Library: Library of Congress, Schomburg.

I'll be dar to meet yo'; plantation song, for high voice & piano.  New York: William Maxwell, 1905.  6p.  (#882-7a).  Text: Beverly Garrison.  Library:  Spingarn.

I'm a-rolling, for medium voice & piano.  New York: Franco Colombo.  (#2048).

----- for SATB with piano reduction.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1924.  (#NY 421; G. Ricordi's part songs and choruses for mixed voices)  Library: Library of Congress.

----- for SATB, arr. by Shelly and Foltz, for SATB.  New York: Belwin-Mills.  (#1989).

----- for SATB, arr. by Ruggero Vené, for SATB.  New York: Franco Colombo.  (#FCC 2048).

----- for TTBB, arr. by Royal Stanton, for TTBB.  Glen Rock:  J. Fischer & Bro.  (#8554).

In Christ there is no east or west, for SATB.  New York: Church Hymnal Corporation, 1981 (Lift every voice and sing, ed. by Irene Jackson Brown, n108).

In summer, for high voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1917.  5p.  (#116419).  Text: Josephine Nicholls.  Library: Spingarn.

In the great somewhere, for high voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1919.  7p.  (#116557)  Text: Harold RobŠ==.  "Sung by John McCormack at all his engagements."  Library: Spingarn.

----- for medium voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1919.  (#116558).

----- for low voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1919.  (#116559).

In the wood of Finvara, for low voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1917.  5p.  (#116002)  Text: Arthur Symons.  Library: Schomburg, Spingarn.

It was nothing but a rose, for low voice & piano.  New York: William Maxwell, 1910.  5p.  (#1237).  Text: anonymous.  Library: Spingarn.

I've been in the storm so long, for medium voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1927.  7p.  (#NY 695).  Library: Spingarn.

----- for contralto, SATB & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1927.  (#FCC 1310).

Jean, for medium voice & piano.  New York: William Maxwell, 1903.  6p.  (#642).  Text: Frank L. Stanton.  Library: Schomburg, Spingarn.  See also: I love my Jean.

78rpm: Ivor Fostor, baritone, with unidentified pianist.  Odeon 57666.

78rpm: Phillip Ritte, tenor, with unidentified pianist.  Pathé 79026 (ca. 1911).

78rpm: Evan Williams, tenor; with piano.  Victor 64280 (ca. 1906).

78rpm: Evan Williams, tenor; with piano.  HMV DA-392 (ca. 1906).

----- Madison Heights MI: Luck's Music Library.

----- for medium voice & orchestra.  Madison Heights MI: Luck's Music Library (02424).

John's gone down on de island, for high voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1917.  6p.  (#116444).  Text: Revelations I.  Library: Fisk, Library of Congress, Schomburg, Spingarn.

----- for low voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1917.  Library: Fisk, Library of Congress, Schomburg.

----- for SATB, arr. by Ruggero Vené.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1956.  9p.  (#FCC 1806).  Library: Library of Congress.

Join hands then, brothers of the faith, for SATB.  n.p.?: 1966 (The book of hymns [former title: The Methodist hymnal] n192).

----- for SATB.  n.p.?: n.d.? (The hymnal [of the former EOB Church]).

Joshua fit de battle of Jericho, for medium voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1935.

----- for SATB.  New York: Franco Colombo.  (#1630).

----- for SATB with piano reduction, arr. by Jerry Sears.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1953.  (#NY 1630; G. Ricordi & Co's collection of part songs and choruses for male, female, and mixed voices)  Library: Library of Congress

----- for SATB, arr. by Wayne Howorth, for SATB.  New York: Belwin-Mills.  (#935).

----- for SA or TB, arr. by Wayne Howorth.  New York: Belwin-Mills.  (#934).

----- for SAB, arr. by Wayne Howorth, for SAB.  New York: Belwin-Mills.  (#1293).

----- for SSA, arr. by Wayne Howorth, for SSA.  New York: Belwin-Mills.  (#1051).

----- for TTBB & piano, arr. by Ruggero Vené, for TTBB & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1955.  7p.  (#FCC 1708).  Library: Library of Congress.

Jubilee, for piano.

Just a-wearying for you, for medium voice & piano.  New York: William Maxwell, 1906.  6p.  Text: Frank L. Stanton.  Library: Library of Congress.

----- for high voice & piano.  Library: Library of Congress.

Just because, for medium voice & piano.  New York: William Maxwell, 1906.

Philadelphia: Theodore Presser, 1914.  Text: Harry T. Burleigh.  Library: Library of Congress, Schomburg.

----- for high voice & piano.  Library: Library of Congress.

Just my love and I; boat song, for high voice & piano.  New York: William Maxwell, 1904.  5p.  (#596-4).  Text: Louise Alston Burleigh.  Library: Library of Congress, Schomburg, Spingarn.

----- for low voice & piano.  New York: William Maxwell, 1904.  5p.  (#595-4).  Library: Library of Congress.

Just you, for high voice & piano.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1915.  5p.  (#116130).  Text: Madge Marie Miller.  Dedication: Lucrezia Bori.  Library: Schomburg, Spingarn.

78rpm: Herbert Witherspoon, bass, with unidentified pianist.  Victor 64535 (ca. 1918).

78rpm: Hubert Eisdell, tenor, with unidentified pianist. Columbia D-1370

----- for SSAA with piano reduction.  New York: G. Ricordi, 1927.  4p.  (#NY 407;


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