Tayo Aluko is a Nigerian based in Liverpool, England, where he also works as an architect. He has appeared as guest soloist with a number of orchestras, music societies, choirs and brass bands in the UK, Germany Ireland and Nigeria. He has performed lead roles in various operas and stage musicals including Nabucco, Kiss Me Kate and Anything Goes. Tayo is also a writer, having contributed a number of articles to newspapers in the UK, including The Guardian and The North West Enquirer. He is currently working on a new play about Paul Robeson, titled CALL MR ROBESON, which has received a number of rehearsed readings in theatres in the UK. He hopes to premiere the play at The Unity Theatre, Liverpool in October 2007, and hopes that it will eventually be staged in the USA. Tayo also has an arts production company, TAYO ALUKO & FRIENDS, through which he presents events showcasing talents and positive histories of Africa and people of African descent. In 2003 he produced a charity concert at Liverpool’s Philharmonic Hall including classical music by African composers. The concert raised over £3000 for local and international black-focused charities. At the same venue, he was instrumental in recent years in having some works by Duke Ellington and Samuel Coleridge-Taylor performed (with him as soloist of course!). Since then he has produced a number of concerts, play readings and initiated a new collection of short plays by Black writers called The Amber Chronicles, which sold out the Unity Theatre in Liverpool in October 2007.

Tayo Aluko
Male | PerformersTayo Aluko is a Nigerian based in Liverpool, England, where he also works as an architect. He has appeared as guest soloist with a number of orchestra